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eBook Giveaway – Marisol and The Book of Doors

Thanks for entering – you’ll have a chance to win a free eBook

  • You don’t need to enter every month – I’ll draw from the total pool unless this proves to be a problem
  • One entry per person, please
  • Please don’t try to game the form – a fixed number of books are given away by “category”. You might actually have a better chance of winning by answering honestly…
  • If you get an eBook in your email, you’ve won!
  • I would totally appreciate a Goodreads review if you get a free book. Fewer than 1 in 1,000 people review Only Human on average (which is still free to read). A promised review is not required to win a draw.
  • I appreciate everyone’s support more than you can ever know.

* I will not contact you for any other reason. If you actually want updates from me, please consider signing up for my newsletter. You can also use the feedback form or the contact page. I sent a total of 0 newsletters in 2020. I expect to send between three and nine in 2021. Newsletters will tell you when new sample chapters are up and when books are released and where (like print, eBook, audio, and translations). Basically I have no desire to spam/irritate you as I feel that’s a counter-productive use of all of our time. Thanks for your support!